Hurt Feelings Report

July 19, 2016 | 0 Comments | Interwebs

During my semi-annual lazy comb-over-ing of the web [insert joke about Donald Trump’s hair here] I was somewhat shocked to see just how many backlinks existed on the net for a document that hasn’t existed on my server for yeeeeeeeeeears. A document I created as a joke while working at Mackie. Not even one of the better jokes (it was a really fun office). I posted it to my web server in a folder that didn’t link from anywhere. Web crawler bots wouldn’t have found it since it was in a private folder omitted from [legitimate] bots, and I think the only link I ever sent was to a couple of co-workers.

But somehow, through the magic of internet virility, that single, direct, not-linked-from-anywhere-else URL got propagated to a multitude of forums and referenced quite a bit.

Quite frankly I’m surprised the links haven’t been devalued by Google’s ranking algorithms yet, but by some crazy internet logic they do still exist… and generate quite a few referrals to my site. Seeing as I’ve never considered myself a party pooper, I decided to dig up that old file forward the url to here: a working page where you can download the file you were looking for.

Lucky you came after July 19, 2016 and not 2012!


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